Ausangate Trek Schedule


Daily Schedule

Sunday, October 15
Everyone converges in Peru (some have already arrive and others are just arriving).

Meals: Breakfast (for those spending Saturday night), (Lunch/Dinner - On Own)

Monday, October 16
Sacred Valley Tour - Full Day Tour
7PM - Team Meeting

Meals: Breakfast, (Lunch/Dinner—On Own)
Total Hiking: Walking the ancient ruins

Tuesday, October 17
Our guide will meet us in Cusco early in the morning, and take us via private transportation to the starting point of our trek- Tinqui. Here you will enjoy a local lunch, while your gear is being loaded onto pack horses. After lunch you will begin hiking to our first camp. This day we only hike for a few hours until we arrive at the village of Upis. Here you can take a soak in the hot springs, while enjoying coca tea, and relax your muscles until dinner.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Total Hiking: 3 miles/ 2 hours

Wednesday, October 18
With two passes to cross today, we wake everyone up at 5am with coca tea brought to your tent and you will fuel up with a big breakfast for the day ahead. The morning starts with a hike up Arapa pass (16,266ft) before a slight decline to our lunch spot near Lake Puma cocha- a deep blue lake and a perfect stop for a break. Along the way you will see local herders and llamas, Ausangate mountain to your left, and you will have your expert guide explaining the history of the locals and talking about the landscape along the way. After lunch we continue uphill for our second pass for the day (Pucacocha pass-16,404ft) where if you're lucky you may see condors and vicuñas until descending to our campsite of chillca where you will be surrounded by high mountains and incredible hanging glaciers- watch for the glacier crashing into the lake below! As always camp will be set up for you to change and rest your weary legs and dinner will be prepared.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Total Hiking: 9.3 miles

Thursday, October 19
Today starts with Chillca pass (16,571 ft), a very colorful mountain but only a precursor of what is to come. After crossing the pass you enter into the Red Mountain valley, a wildly desert landscape with vibrant colors all around, and llamas roaming the ground below- as you approach the top of the pass you will see the beautiful Rainbow Mountain in the distance, but your not quite there! From here you descend to circle lake and continue walking a Peruvian flat until we are presented with one final climb to the Rainbow Mountain. Soak in the sights and enjoy what you've worked so hard for. We will enjoy lunch in the surrounding area, and head back down the valley to make our way to the stunning Lake Ausangate where camp will be set up and waiting for you to take a rest. 

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Total Hiking: 12.4 miles

Friday, October 20
Covering less miles today, as yesterday was a big day, we pass beautiful glacial tarns, lush green pampas, and follow the edge of the river. Today is a great day for spotting wildlife so keep an eye out for condors, and vicuñas.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Total Hiking: 10.5 miles

Saturday, October 21
With only one pass to cross we will take our time today enjoying the deep blue lagoons, and alpine glacial colored lakes along the way. If you are brave enough you can even jump in to cool off. Views of the massive Ausangate mountain are still visible, only today you will get to enjoy them from a new angle along with views of Pacchanta Valley. Our goal is the hot springs of Pacchanta where we will enjoy a nice soak and the views of the Ausangate Mountain above. 

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Total Hiking: 9.9 miles

Sunday, October 22
Today is the easiest day of our trek as we make our way back to the starting point of Tinqui walking on flat ground and celebrating our accomplishments. Once we arrive at the village you will have your last lunch while everything is packed up in our private transportation to make our way back to Cusco where. You will be dropped off at your hotel arriving around 5pm.

Meals: Breakfast and Lunch, Dinner—on own
Total Hiking: 9.9 miles

Monday, October 23
This morning we will visit PROMESA and see the benefits of our hard work! Your accomplishment of completing 57.5 miles around the Ausangate Mountain and raising funds for PROMESA to reach their new land will be worth every effort and sacrifice when you see the faces of the children.

Late afternoon flights from the Cusco airport loaded with a few souvenirs and a heart filled with love for Peru and its people.

Meals: Breakfast, (Lunch/Dinner - On Own)