What is adventure fundraising?

Adventure fundraising is a way for participants to enrich the challenge of a trek, bike ride, or other adventure with a mission to do some good in the world. Participants pay for their adventure and commit to raising funds for a worthy cause. Some trips will afford adventurers the opportunity to see, first-hand, the project that will benefit from their fundraising efforts. Steep Adventures will provide ideas for how to go about raising funds.

How much will I have to fundraise?

Total fundraising goals will depend on the adventure and the charitable cause/project. Each adventurer will have an individual goal, but there will also be a team goal, it is in working together that the greatest impact will be made.

What is included in adventure challenge price?

Once an adventure challenge is open for registration, the trip details will be made available. Most international trips will include airfare from a designated gateway city. The travel itinerary will indicate which meals are covered in the trip costs. Any additional trip expenses will be outlined in the trip details.

All participants must be 18 or older to participate in an adventure challenge. Adventurers must also obtain a doctor's permission before participating in some adventure challenges or if they have certain medical conditions.

Are there any requirements for participating in a Steep Adventure?

Connecting fundraising with an adventure has a far greater effect than donating alone. Yes, you could donate the money and not pay for the adventure, but then you would miss out on the full, rich experience of accomplishing something incredible, meeting amazing people that share your passion for adventure and the cause, and interacting with the non-profit/charitable cause in a unique way. Many adventure trips will allow you to see the benefit of your donations first-hand.

Why not just donate money towards the cause?