
What's in a name?

One night while sipping on some tea... I had an idea! Novel, I know!

Steep Adventures represents a double entendre, of sorts. Steep for the steep grade of a challenge. And steep for the steeping effect (like tea) of making each trip a rich experience by combining accomplishment, camaraderie, mission, and adventure.

Adventure fundraising rallies participants around a cause, with a mission to do something of value. Each adventure brings together people for the love of adventure and connects them through shared experiences, a common goal, and supporting a cause for the benefit of others.

Just like tea becomes richer by combining different leaves and allowing them time to infuse into the water, an adventure becomes richer when multiple elements steep. Join us on a trip, and see if you don't agree!


Steep Adventures® was born out of a love for adventure and connecting travel with a greater purpose. I set off to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in October of 2014, after spending a year training, fundraising, and connecting with the cause to improve the access to clean water for a community in Arusha, Tanzania. During that year, I realized the culmination of my passions. The organization that coordinated the water project has since run 5 adventure fundraising trips, and reported that they are wildly successful. It is my desire to create adventures that will impact far more than creating a memory of a fun time.

It is my hope that Steep Adventures will connect adventure and mission in a way that changes lives forever!

Michelle Deller, Founder